Victoria on the Issues

Constitution and Bill of Rights
Our constitutional republic was created with limited government functions to protect the individual rights to Life, Liberty and Property. We must preserve our 2nd Amendment freedoms against the tyranny of the government, and protect the sanctity of all human life.

Spending and Debt
Our national debt is unsustainable. We must cut spending, reform welfare to empower, not suppress low income individuals, and balance the budget. The debt can be tackled, not by raising taxes on US citizens, but by taking a critical look at the unnecessary spending of the federal government.

Immigration and Border Security
As someone who has personally gone through our immigration system, I know firsthand that we need to make changes. The process takes too long and is too expensive and bureaucratic for those seeking the American dream. If we want to curb illegal immigration, we need to address our legal immigration process to better serve our national interest and have a more robust work visa program.

National Defense and Military
A fundamental function of the federal government is the protection of its people. A strong national defense is key to maintaining that protection. We must keep our military strong and provide better services to our veterans.

Our healthcare costs are unsustainable and destroying the middle class. We have to increase transparency and competition, allow more consumer choice and more innovative value-based, not volume-based, health care delivery models. We passed some great legislation in Indiana last legislative session benefiting the consumer, but we still have a lot of work to do and most of it has to be done at the federal level.

As a mother and educator, I understand that knowledge is an ultimate equalizer and quality education for our children has always been my top priority. Our post-secondary education has a lot of work to do. Above all, we need to align the cost of education with the earning potential of a career in that field and provide more workforce development opportunities. We must give flexibility to the states to improve K-12 education, reform higher education financing to improve accountability of colleges and better prepare our students to the future workforce demands.

Government Transparency and Accountability
Our laws are convoluted and cumbersome. We must audit the government and simplify the code to provide more transparency. We passed laws to improve government efficiency in Indiana. In Congress, I will work to cut back the bureaucratic red tape and make it easier for the American people to hold their government accountable.

Business Regulations
Free enterprise is the foundation of our country. We must limit regulation powers of the executive branch and maintain a vibrant business environment, so all businesses, no matter their size, can thrive.

Term Limits
Politics was never meant to be a career, but a duty to society. I believe in term limits and will self-impose term limits to a maximum three terms or less.